The Ultimate Volunteer Recruitment Playbook You Wish You Knew Earlier!

The Ultimate Volunteer Recruitment Playbook You Wish You Knew Earlier!

Hello! I’m Ashley Staines, cofounder of Volunteero, and let me tell you — if I had a pound for every time someone said, “We are struggling to recruit volunteers” I could single-handedly fund every non-profit in the UK. Spoiler: It's not that easy and that is why many are struggling.

According the NCVO research, the proportion of people volunteering at least once a month fell from 23% in 2019/20 to 16% in 2021/22.

However despite the decline in formal volunteering rates, there are really positive signs that younger generations could be a fantastic pool of potential future volunteers. For example, a 2021 Deloitte Global Millennial Survey found that 44% of Millennials and 49% of Gen Z are involved in volunteer activities, often driven by their passion for social justice, climate change, and other pressing issues​.

This article will give you everything you need to implement a top notch volunteer recruitment strategy.

Understanding Volunteer Motivation

Let’s start with a crucial question: Why do people volunteer? Believe it or not, it’s not just because they want to help — although that’s a big part of it. Volunteers come with a whole backpack of reasons. Some want to give back, some are looking to build skills for a future career, and others just need a good reason to leave the house on a Saturday morning.

Aligning Your Mission with Their Motivation

The trick to attracting great volunteers is aligning their motivations with your organisation’s mission. Want to recruit young professionals? Highlight how volunteering can boost their CVs. Need long-term commitment? Emphasise community and connection. Pro tip: Keep things flexible — I mean, who wouldn’t prefer a role that fits around their Netflix binge sessions?

Crafting a Killer Recruitment Strategy

It is a mega cliche but fail to prepare, then prepare to fail! You need a strategy.

Define Your Needs

First things first, figure out what you actually need from volunteers. Saying, “We need help” is about as useful as shouting “Fire!” in a crowded cinema. Define the roles: What skills are required? How much time do you expect? If you’re unclear, you’ll end up with a group of people who are enthusiastic but mismatched.

Create Volunteer Personas

This is where the magic happens. Think about your dream volunteers — are they retirees with time to spare? Tech-savvy Gen Z-ers? Craft “personas” that detail their characteristics, motivations, and where you’re likely to find them. If you’re thinking this sounds like marketing, you’re right. Recruitment is marketing!

Where to Find Your Dream Volunteers

Gone are the days of posting a flyer on a bulletin board and calling it a day. Volunteers are everywhere, but you need to know where to look.

Online Recruitment Platforms

There’s a world of digital tools out there. Sites like Idealist, LinkedIn, and yes, Volunteero (shameless plug, I know) are goldmines for finding passionate volunteers. Use these platforms to post clear, detailed roles, and don’t be afraid to get specific — “We need help!” doesn’t work in 2024.

Online platforms to recruit volunteers include Volunteero, Reach Volunteering, Do-It, The Big Help Out, Indeed.

Community Engagement

Your local coffee shop probably has more volunteer potential than you think. Partner with local businesses, schools, and universities. And corporate partnerships? Don’t overlook them! Companies are more eager than ever to engage their employees in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

But please do think beyond your local community centre or church... where are people spending their time, particularly those you are keen to recruit? Padel courts, Gyms, Coffee Shops, Bars, Pubs, Nail Salons. You'd be surprised how open local businesses can be to supporting their communities!

Crafting Compelling Volunteer Roles

Now that you’ve got their attention, let’s talk about the roles. It’s no good to simply say “Help needed.” Give them something juicy to sink their teeth into!

Write Engaging Job Descriptions

Be specific, clear, and enticing. Use bullet points and make it easy to skim. But don’t forget the flair! Words like “exciting,” “hands-on,” and “impactful” will make the opportunity pop. A vague description will leave potential volunteers feeling about as enthusiastic as a cat during bath time.

Offer Flexibility

Not everyone can commit to a full day each week. Create micro-volunteering opportunities, virtual roles, or flexible schedules to appeal to busy professionals or students. Volunteers are more likely to stick around if they don’t feel trapped by their commitments.

The Secret Sauce: Outreach Messaging That Converts

Alright, you’ve crafted the perfect roles, now how do you convince people to sign up? Easy: messaging.

Storytelling Works

One of the most powerful tools in your recruitment arsenal is storytelling. People respond to stories more than they do to statistics, so use them! Share success stories from current volunteers to make new recruits think, “Hey, I want to be part of that.”

Example: “Jessica joined us as a volunteer three months ago, and her work has helped feed over 200 families. Here’s how you can make a similar impact…”

Use Multiple Channels

Don’t rely on one method of outreach. Spread your message across social media, newsletters, websites, and in-person events. And be sure to vary your tone and style depending on the platform. LinkedIn is great for professional appeal, but Instagram? That’s where you can get creative with visuals and behind-the-scenes content.

Ask Your Existing Volunteers For Help

Ask them to share your recruitment post on their own social media accounts. Ask them to bring a friend to a taster session. Ask them to do a quick presentation at work.

You must remember they are already volunteering for you which means they are heavily invested in the mission of your organisation. They will be incredibly willing AND able to help improve your reach through their own networks.

Screening and Selecting the Best

Ah, the dating phase of recruitment. You’ve attracted potential volunteers — now you need to find the right match. Here’s how you make sure you’re bringing in people who will truly make a difference.

Pre-Screening and Interviews

Use short but strategic application forms. Make the interview casual but informative. Ask questions that reveal not just their skills but their motivations. Why do they want to volunteer? What are their expectations?

Legal Checks (Yes, You May Need These)

Depending on your organisation, some legalities can’t be skipped, like background checks or references. While it might sound like a headache, trust me — it’ll save you bigger headaches later on.

Make the Onboarding Experience Unforgettable

Once you’ve got your volunteers, onboarding is the next big step. If they feel lost or undervalued from the start, you risk losing them. But do it right, and you’ll have a dedicated, long-term team.

Welcome with Open Arms

Kick things off with a warm, welcoming orientation. Give them a tour, introduce them to the team, and make sure they feel part of the mission from day one. Personal touches like a welcome packet or a shoutout on social media go a long way.

Pro Tip: Pair new volunteers with experienced ones. A buddy system creates instant connections and fosters a sense of belonging.

Retention Begins at Recruitment

Here’s the thing: recruitment and retention aren’t separate. The moment a volunteer feels valued, they’re more likely to stick around. Keep the momentum going by engaging them regularly, recognising their contributions, and providing opportunities for growth.

Show Appreciation

Throw appreciation events, send personalised thank-you notes (or digital badges through the Volunteero app of course), and shout them out on social media. People love to feel recognised — don’t skimp on this!


There you have it — the ultimate playbook that will make you rethink how you approach volunteer recruitment. As someone who’s seen the power of these strategies firsthand at Volunteero, I can promise you that investing in recruitment isn’t just about filling a gap; it’s about building a community of passionate, engaged individuals who believe in your mission. And trust me, when you get recruitment right, everything else becomes a lot easier.

Now, go out there and recruit like the pro you are!

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