Using Social Media to attract new volunteers - 5 tips

Social media could be your best source of new volunteers! Here are 5 easy tips you could implement today to attract new volunteers using social media.

1. Should you have a separate profile just for volunteering?

We'd say for most, it isn't necessary but it can have benefits. You are not at the behest of the overall organisation social strategy where you might get to post once every other week about volunteering. You can also make it more authentic content when you don't have to work within the limitations of the main organisation page. Then you can still ask the main profile to post about volunteering periodically.

2. Are you using the right platform for the job? �

Best all round - Instagram

Best for older generations - Facebook

Best for younger generations - TikTok

Best for corporates - Linkedin

It seems obvious but this will help hone your strategies and content.

3.  Is the content of your volunteers and the actual volunteering? �

Use what you have and use it effectively. Show different roles. Emphasise the selling points. Make sure volunteers are smiling and seemingly having fun. Again this sounds obvious right but we cannot tell you how often the volunteering on social pages can come across les than exciting!

4. Are your volunteers tagged?

This is a must. Ask your volunteers for their @handles so you can try to tag them in your posts. This can then appear on their newsfeed. They will like it, comment etc and the overall visibility of the post will be increased. It may also have a positive impact on the final and in our view, MOST IMPORTANT tip.

5. Are your volunteers sharing posts?

Brits don't like to shout about the good they are doing. That British instinct does not help you. Try to emphasise the value of volunteers sharing your posts to their network, this can be the best way of attracting new volunteers. Sometimes with these things you really have to be direct, simply ask them, please share our latest post.

Why? Lets say your page has 1000 followers. Your post will be seen by maybe 20-30% of those. Your volunteers each have their own network of followers who are all potential new volunteers. By having volunteers share posts, you could increase your reach exponentially.

What is more is, people often follow their friends and they would be much more inclined to volunteer if they knew their friend did also.

If you are looking for another way of boosting your reach and attracting more volunteers, Volunteero is the #1 app on the App and Play store for volunteering and our clients can post roles to our marketplace. We have helped some organisations boost their applicants by over 100%. Get in touch today to learn more.

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